Health Coach 6 Month Program

6 Month Program

Have you tried diets (and felt great!) but haven’t been able to implement them long-term for the sake of your social calendar? Or maybe you’ve “fallen off the wagon” and felt frustrated because you know what to do to be healthy, but can’t manage it long-term.

Working together over six months will allow you to make the positive changes that work best for your daily routine while also experiencing the curveballs that might come your way (holiday parties, wedding season, a new baby, a new job, lots of travel). During these rough spots, you’ll receive action-oriented support and accountability to help you stay on track. At the end of your program, we’ll review your unique set of tools so that you have access to support and guidance even after our sessions are over.

The goal of this program is for you to become your own coach.

This program includes:

o   12 one-hour sessions via Skype or phone
o   Detailed notes and additional resources emailed after each session
o   Unlimited email support between sessions
o   Access to a private Facebook group where you’ll meet other program participants
o   Guided meditation and yoga exercises  

Program Investment: $1,395 or three payments of $480

Health Coach 3 Month Program

3 Month Program

This program is perfect for you if you’re ready to make healthy lifestyle changes but don’t want to commit to a 6-month program right now. We’ll do an intense deep dive to determine what tools and activities will help you shift your routine, so get ready for some action-oriented homework!

The goal of this program is to help you discover a few high quality tools that you can use in your daily routine to create a more healthy and balanced lifestyle.

This program includes:

o   6 one-hour sessions via Skype or phone
o   Detailed notes and additional resources emailed after each session
o   Unlimited email support between sessions
o   Access to a private Facebook group where you’ll meet other program participants
o   Guided meditation and yoga exercises  

Program Investment: $695 or two payments of $360


If you're ready to make the change you long for, contact me to schedule a free one-hour consultation. 


"As a working mother of two young boys, I felt like I was always overcommitted and overly frazzled. Not good for my career or for my family. Catherine was able to listen to my challenges, prioritize key areas I could focus on, and gave me specific tasks that gave me results. Catherine is a kind, warm, and a very thoughtful coach - she understands the challenges many women have in work-life balance, and helped me achieve more balance."



These programs are for you if:

o   You’re interested in health but feel overwhelmed with all the conflicting dietary advice and don’t know where to start!
o   You’ve felt balanced and healthy in the past but are currently facing a “life stress” that is preventing you from having the time, energy, or desire to take care of yourself.
o   You feel like you never have time for meal planning, exercise, or meditation. If you want to learn how to take back your time for the things that matter to you.
o   If you want to tap into your inner voice and learn how to listen and make decisions using this inner compass, and if you want to learn self-love.

These programs are  not for you if:

o   If you want to lose X amount of weight.
o   If you are looking for a quick fix and are not ready to do the deep work of self-reflection and putting tools into practice.

If reading this resonates with you, schedule a free one-hour consultation with me. We’ll discuss your goals, my approach, and determine the program that best fits your needs and budget.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to work with you. Thank you for sharing your journey and allowing me to help you discover your inner wisdom, you have all the answers.


"My time with Catherine was instrumental in helping me make significant changes. During our sessions, I was able to focus on my needs and aspirations, and she provided me with wonderful tools to help me center myself, reignite my creative passion, and help me stay consistent on my weight loss journey. I lost 20 pounds while I worked with Catherine, and I credit her insights and support in helping facilitate those results. She is one of the most caring souls I have ever met, and anyone that has the privilege of knowing and working with her is very lucky indeed."
